Thank you for your interest in our Mercedes-AMG 50th Anniversary Event.
Please be informed that the speaker sections are full, so we would like to invite you to join us between 3-6pm this Sat and Sun (Jun 17&18). The legendary AMG 300 SEL 6.8 and the all-new Mercedes-AMG GT C Roadster are available for viewing. For further enquiries please contact us at 2895 7370.
感謝登記出席Mercedes-AMG 50週年活動。
所有活動時段現已滿,誠邀閣下於本週末 (6月17及18日)下午3時至6時親臨活動現場欣賞AMG 300 SEL 6.8及全新Mercedes-AMG GT C Roadster的風彩! 如有任何查詢請致電 2895 7370。