Author Archive: admin

Author Archives for admin

You can send us specifications of your dream car and we will notify you when it becomes available. Should you wish to find out more about our used cars, please contact us at (852) 2389 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 [...]
Terms & Conditions: You will be notified about the test drive arrangement after registration and are required to complete a "Test Drive Agreement” prior to the test drive. Test drives are subject to availability. You must be above 18 years old and holds a valid Macau driving license for the person would need a test drive. Zung Fu Company Limited reserves the right to amend or delete any terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. JTNDc2NyaXB0JTIwdHlwZSUzRCUyN3RleHQlMkZqYXZhc2NyaXB0JTI3JTNFJTBBJTJGJTJGJTIwQ29udmVyc2lvbiUyME5hbWUlM0ElMjBFTl9QYWdlX1Rlc3QlMjBEcml2ZSUyMFJlZ2lzdHJhdGlvbiUwQSUyRiUyRiUyMElOU1RSVUNUSU9OUyUyMCUwQSUyRiUyRiUyMFRoZSUyMENvbnZlcnNpb24lMjBUYWdzJTIwc2hvdWxkJTIwYmUlMjBwbGFjZWQlMjBhdCUyMHRoZSUyMHRvcCUyMG9mJTIwdGhlJTIwJTNDQk9EWSUzRSUyMHNlY3Rpb24lMjBvZiUyMHRoZSUyMEhUTUwlMjBwYWdlLiUyMCUwQSUyRiUyRiUyMEluJTIwY2FzZSUyMHlvdSUyMHdhbnQlMjB0byUyMGVuc3VyZSUyMHRoYXQlMjB0aGUlMjBmdWxsJTIwcGFnZSUyMGxvYWRzJTIwYXMlMjBhJTIwcHJlcmVxdWlzaXRlJTIwZm9yJTIwYSUyMGNvbnZlcnNpb24lMjAlMEElMkYlMkYlMjBiZWluZyUyMHJlY29yZGVkJTJDJTIwcGxhY2UlMjB0aGUlMjB0YWclMjBhdCUyMHRoZSUyMGJvdHRvbSUyMG9mJTIwdGhlJTIwcGFnZS4lMjBOb3RlJTJDJTIwaG93ZXZlciUyQyUyMHRoYXQl [...]
Please let us know your preferred date, time and location of service, we shall confirm the booking with you on the next working day. Alternatively, you may contact us at (853)2885 0138 during office hours.
\r\n“We are a company with proud heritage that is passionately committed to providing excellent automobile solutions to our valuable customers. Your best partner on the road for generations.”\r\n
1954Zung Fu signs agreement with Mercedes-Benz, starts importing Mercedes-Benz products into Hong Kong1955First Zung Fu showroom opens at Tower Court, Causeway Bay1971Quarry Bay Service Centre opens1972Aberdeen Service Centre opens1988Zung Fu Car Park Building in Kowloon completed, incorporating Hung Hom Service Centre, offices, parking and showroom1993Zung Fu Macau established and the first showroom in Macau opens1994Zung Fu (China) established and first showroom in Guangzhou opens2002First smart showroom opens in Causeway Bay.2003Zung Fu signs distributorship agreement with Hyundai Motor Company, starts importing Hyundai automobiles into Hong Kong2012Zung Fu Commercial Vehicles Services Centre opens in Fanling2013New flagship Zung Fu showroom opens in Causeway Bay20142015Zung Fu marks its 60th Anniversary of Partnership with Mercedes-BenzMercedes me Store, a lifestyle brand extension which offers vehicle presentations, culinary experiences and digital interaction opens in Central
For general enquiries, please contact: Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, No 252-266 Edificio Chun U Villa, R/C, Loja A B C , Taipa, Macau Phone: (853) 2883 1283 Email : Alternatively, please leave your contact details using the form below and we shall contact you shortly.
Zung Fu Company Limited is the exclusive retailer of Mercedes-Benz automobiles in Hong Kong and Macau, with four showrooms and seven service centres. Today, Mercedes-Benz's share of the automotive market in Hong Kong is one of the highest for Mercedes-Benz worldwide. Zung Fu is a subsidiary of the Jardine Motors Group, which is a member of the Jardine Matheson Group. Since 1954, when Zung Fu brought the first Mercedes-Benz to Hong Kong, the two companies have enjoyed a unique relationship. It is an alliance of equally formidable reputations; a partnership based on quality of product and service. And it has inspired a deep loyalty - between the partners and also among all Mercedes-Benz owners in Hong Kong and Macau. The 1950s The Mercedes-Benz showroom that opened in 1955, a year after the formal signing of an agreement between Zung Fu and Mercedes-Benz, was actually in a similar location to today's main Causeway Bay showroom. Within three years after the first Mercedes-Benz arrived in Hong Kong, Zung Fu welcomed 1,000 new owners to the growing Mercedes-Benz family.One of the first majestic 180 models introduced to Hong Kong in 1954. It is still its owner's beloved treasure. The 300, was the most sought-after model in Hong [...]
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